Matthew Mauzy
Adverse Conditions: Reduced Campus Operations and Services
Following the UNC System directive to significantly reduce campus operations and services, many of Carolina’s buildings will be closed and in-person, non-essential services will shut down as of 5 p.m. Friday, March 20. See for the latest information.
The University is currently operating under normal conditions
Alert Carolina Crime Alert: Two Incidents of Inappropriate Touching Reported
UNC STUDENTS, STAFF, AND FACULTY: UNC received Clery reports on Thursday (March 5) from two UNC female students who were touched inappropriately by a fellow male student on Tuesday (March 3) in the Hanes Art Center. The suspect was the same in both cases and is known to the reporting parties. UNC encourages the Carolina community…
The University is currently operating under normal conditions
Adverse Conditions: The University will move to Condition 1-Reduced Operations at 10 a.m.
The University will move to Condition 1- Reduced Operations at 10:00 a.m. and stay in Condition 1 for the remainder of Friday, Feb. 21. Classes will operate on a regular schedule at the individual faculty’s discretion. Campus Units and Services Operational Status For an up-to-date look at operating status for campus services including dining halls, residence…
Adverse Conditions: The University will move to Condition 2- Suspended Operations/Classes Cancelled at 4 p.m. Feb. 20
Because of inclement winter weather, the University will move to Condition 2- Suspended Operations/Classes Cancelled at 4 p.m. today, Feb. 20, and stay in Condition 2 until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 21. A decision regarding the operating status for after 10 a.m. tomorrow will be communicated no later than 8 a.m. Campus Units and Services Operational Status For an up-to-date look at operating status for campus services including…
Adverse Conditions: The University will move to Condition 1 at noon
Because of forecasted snow moving into the area, the University will move to Condition 1- Reduced Operations at 12:00 p.m. today, Feb. 20, and stay in Condition 1 until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 21. Classes will operate on a regular schedule at the individual faculty’s discretion. If there are further changes to the University’s operating status for…
The University is currently operating under normal conditions
Emergency: System Test
The University has started an Alert Carolina emergency sirens TEST. This is only a test. No action is required. The University tests the sirens to remind everyone what to do if they hear the sirens sound for a real emergency and to make sure the equipment works properly. During the test, anyone outside on or…
Alert Carolina System Changes and Spring Sirens Test– Wednesday, February 12, 2020
The University will TEST the emergency sirens and Alert Carolina System on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 between 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. We test the sirens and messaging system regularly throughout the year to make sure the equipment and notification processes work as planned. During the test, anyone outside on or near campus likely will…
Recent Notifications
Timely Warning: Orange County under tornado watch
Timely Warning: Orange County under tornado watch
Timely Warning: Orange County under tornado watch
Emergency Siren TEST Begins
Timely Warning: Orange County under tornado watch
Classes canceled starting at noon today; offices open
Adverse Weather: Orange County under tornado watch
Emergency Siren TEST Begins