Adverse Conditions: Critical – University will move to Condition 1 at 12 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 8.

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:  

Due to Tropical Storm Debby, the University will move to Condition 1 (reduced operations) at 12 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 8 and stay in Condition 1 until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8. If a change in conditions is extended beyond 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, it will be communicated no later than 8 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8 via Alert Carolina. Use the following link for information about Condition 1:  

For Students and Faculty 

  • Classes will operate on a regular schedule. 
  • Individual faculty may use discretion to adjust class schedules and arrange make-up work for students unable to report to class due to the weather event. 

For Non-Faculty (Staff) Employees 

  • Non-mandatory employees, after informing their supervisors in a timely manner, have the option to report to work late, leave early or not report to work. 
  • These employees must use available personal leave time (compensatory, vacation or bonus) to cover any time away from regular work hours. 
  • Alternatively, and only with supervisor approval (not mere timely notice to the supervisor), these employees may be permitted to work from home or alternate sites when, in the supervisor’s discretion, it is feasible and safe for this to occur. Employees working away from campus do not use leave. Even so, such arrangements may not be practicable for all types of employees or during every type of adverse weather or emergency event. 
  • Mandatory employees (whose presence has been designated mandatory to University operations during adverse weather or emergency events) are expected to report to work or remain on the job, and if deemed necessary by their supervisor, to work a differing schedule or shift than normally assigned. 

Staff, faculty and students should consider their own personal circumstances to determine whether to report late, leave early or not report at all. 

Weather Information 

The University is closely monitoring Tropical Storm Debby and the potential for severe weather. This storm system could produce heavy rain, damaging winds, flash flooding, river flooding and tornados.  

Tropical storms can produce dangerous conditions, including downed powerlines, tree branches, and flooded walkways and roadways. Stay away from flooded areas: turn around, don’t drown. Stay inside if these serious conditions are encountered.  

The University will issue additional Alert Carolina messages as necessary.  

In the event of an emergency on campus, please call 9-1-1. In a non-emergency, contact UNC Police at 919-962-8100. 

Reporting Damage  

To report power loss, water leaks, building flooding, non-life-threatening building damage or downed trees, call 919-962-3456 or 919-966-2471 for residential buildings. 

For serious building damage or other conditions that could be a safety threat, call 9-1-1.  

For updates on alerts, visit