Alert Carolina Informational Message – Update on Oct. 1 Crime Alert

Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The suspect from last night’s groping/sexual assault crime alert has been identified. UNC Police has met with the suspect and the appropriate charges have been filed.

The incident remains under investigation, and no further information is available.

The Oct. 1 Crime Alert reads as follows:

Students, Faculty, and Staff:

UNC Police is investigating a report of a groping/sexual assault that occurred around 6:10 p.m. today at McClinton Residence Hall. The suspect followed the victim into the residence hall lobby and stairwell, groped them and left the building via the lobby stairwell.

The suspect is described as male between 18-22 years old with short curly hair wearing sweatpants and a muted green shirt.

An investigation is ongoing, and no further information is available.

Anyone with information should call 911 or UNC Police. The UNC Police Department is available 24 hours a day by calling 911 in an emergency or 919-962-8100 for non-emergency assistance. Officers are also available in person at the Public Safety Building located at 285 Manning Drive.

Most Alert Carolina crime alerts are sent to campus due to Clery Act requirements around patterns of crime, continuing dangers to campus or specific types of crimes. For additional information, please see these frequently asked questions about the Clery Act.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, there are support and reporting resources available at the University and in the Chapel Hill community, including:

The Gender Violence Services Coordinators (GVSCs) provide confidential support and advocacy for any student, faculty, staff or post-doctoral scholar impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking or sexual and gender-based harassment. To learn more about support and services, please visit If individuals are interested in connecting with a GVSC, they can email or call 919-962-1343.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is available 24 hours a day. Visit or call 919-966-3658.

The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) oversees the campus report and response process for reports of campus sexual misconduct and is available to discuss reporting options, supportive measures and accommodations. Individuals may connect with a Report and Response Coordinator by email at or by phone at 919-445-2759.

The UNC Police Department is available 24 hours a day by calling 911 in an emergency or 919-962-8100 for non-emergency assistance. Officers are also available in person at the Public Safety Building located at 285 Manning Drive.

The Orange County Rape Crisis Center has a confidential hotline available 24 hours a day. Visit or call 866-WE-LISTEN (866-935-4783).

For more information about campus and community resources and reporting options please visit the Safe at UNC website.

In addition, the University encourages all members of our community to look out for one another.

  • Respect the rights and boundaries of others.
  • Trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe and are able to do so, get to a safe place and call for help.
  • Be alert to your surroundings and the people around you.

For updates on alerts, visit