On Sunday, Feb. 16, UNC Police arrested an on-campus resident in a residence hall for possessing a firearm on educational property. UNC Police were alerted to the weapon via anonymous tip from someone who had seen the weapon on social media. UNC Police responded immediately and took the suspect into custody. The suspect is facing felony charges and is currently banned from the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. This investigation is ongoing.
There is no known threat to campus safety at this time.
UNC Police would like to thank the person who submitted the anonymous tip, allowing them to quickly respond, take the individual into custody and remove the firearm from campus.
How to report a crime or suspicious activity:
If you see or hear of any suspicious activity in person or online, report it to UNC Police immediately by calling 911.
- To report a crime confidentially online, use the Silent Witness Form on police.unc.edu. This form is not monitored 24/7.
- Use any of the emergency phones located on walkways, parking lots, and elevators throughout campus; these provide a direct line to the Emergency 911 Center at the Public Safety Building.
- Dial 919-942-7515 to report information about a crime anonymously to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro-UNC Police CrimeStoppers.
- Contact an officer on patrol or go to the Public Safety Building located at 285 Manning Drive, Chapel Hill, 24 hours a day.
- For non-emergency calls to report crimes dial 919-962-8100 or 919-962-6565. Those needing to use TTY/TDD feature can dial 911 also.
For students struggling with anxiety, they can reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services: 919-966-3658 (24/7). For employees who are looking for support, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a resource available to help employees through stressful situations and events.