Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Public Safety is reporting that the subject wanted for an assault that occurred at Hill Hall on March 25th at approximately 11pm, is now in custody.
UNC has issued the instruction “All clear. Resume normal activities” to the campus community.
The all clear signal means the threat to the campus is over.
When there is an “all clear” – the University also sends a text message to the cell phone numbers registered by students, faculty and staff in the online campus directory. The University also communicates about an emergency using sources including: campus-wide email and voice mail (for campus land lines), the Adverse Weather and Emergency Phone Line, 843-1234, for recorded information, and the University Access Channel (Chapel Hill Time Warner Cable Channel 4) along with other campus television channels.
About Informational Messages: The University sends an Informational Message to inform the campus community about a situation that is not an emergency, but is expected to be of significant interest to the campus. An Informational Message is one of three tiers of communication under the University’s revised emergency communications plan. Emergency Warning refers to a siren activation for a significant emergency. And a Timely Warning is issued if there is a continuing danger AND notification will not compromise law enforcement efforts.Sponsored by the UNC Department of Public Safety