Chapel Hill police have apprehended a still unidentified suspect in connection with this afternoon¹s siren activation on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. At about 4:20 p.m., University police reported a white male displayed a knife or knives while on campus near the Pit. No injuries were reported. The man fled campus and was later apprehended by Chapel Hill police and transferred into the custody of University police.
The police investigation is ongoing. No additional details are available at this time.
About Informational Messages: The University sends an Informational Message to inform the campus community about a situation that is not an emergency, but is expected to be of significant interest to the campus. An Informational Message is one of three tiers of communication under the University¹s revised emergency communications plan. Emergency Warning refers to a siren activation for a significant emergency. And a Timely Warning is issued if there is a continuing danger AND notification will not compromise law enforcement efforts.