Reminder: University Will Test Sirens Tuesday

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

You may hear the University’s emergency sirens on Tuesday, February 12, between noon and 1 p.m. during a TEST that is part of Alert Carolina, our ongoing safety awareness campaign. No action is required.

The sirens sound only for a major emergency or an immediate safety or health threat, such as an armed and dangerous person on or near campus; a major chemical spill or hazard; tornado warning for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area issued by the National Weather Service; or a different emergency, as determined by the Department of Public Safety. Be prepared to go inside or take cover immediately in a real emergency.

The University also sends test text messages to anyone who has registered a cell phone number in the online campus directory. For more information, including audio samples of the siren tones, see
About Informational Messages: The University sends an Informational Message to inform the campus community about a situation that is not an emergency, but is expected to be of significant interest to the campus. An Informational Message is one of three tiers of communication under the University’s revised emergency communications plan. Emergency Warning refers to a siren activation for a significant emergency. And a Timely Warning is issued if there is a continuing danger AND notification will not compromise law enforcement efforts.Sponsored by the UNC Department of Public Safety